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We’re on a mission to help more girls and gender-expansive youth discover the wonders of STEM.

Science Club for Girls (SCFG) fosters excitement, confidence, and literacy in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) for girls and gender-expansive youth from underrepresented communities by providing free, experiential programs and by maximizing meaningful interactions with women-in-STEM mentors. 

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Get Involved

Support the next generation of diverse women in STEM. SCFG relies on the generosity of supporters like you to maintain, nourish, and grow. Your involvement makes a powerful statement about your commitment to racial and gender equity in STEM.

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What They're Saying

"I rarely questioned my goal of becoming a Black neuroscientist because I had already met one in Science Club and for that I’m forever grateful."

Kaelyn Brown

Recent Oxford and Harvard graduate and neuroscience major who started with SCFG at 6 years old and continued through high school to become a mentor in college and lead SCFG's Harvard Mentor Chapter

"My daughter really looks forward to her sessions at Science Club for Girls. This past semester on the human body, she said her favorite part was being a ‘disease detective.’ Participating in SCFG has brought her much joy. I am thankful that her love of science is being nurtured."

Fall 2021 Parent/Guardian

"SCFG taught me a valuable lesson: that I could pursue science and that I belong in science"

Sarah Girma

Senior at Harvard College studying Molecular and Cellular Biology and Mathematics with aspirations for a career in medicine. Sarah started with SCFG at 6 years old and continued through high school to become a mentor in college and lead SCFG's Harvard Mentor Chapter



Only 4% of scientists and engineers are Black and Latina women. 
It's time to change that. 

Join the Science Club for Girls community and help build a movement to transform the face of STEM and create a more diverse STEM ecosystem. 

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210 Broadway, Suite 201

Cambridge, MA 02139


 tax ID 14-1892866

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© 2023 by Science Club for Girls

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